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People of Janpath - How Prerona S. Sanyal discovered our little shop !

In our effort to build our store, organically - with a lot of love, it's so important for us to bring you some amazing stories from our little fam we like to call - People of Janpath. We wanted to make sure those amazing people that have helped us every step of the way and have been as much of a part of our journey, as the two of us, have their own little corner on our shop. 

One person that absolutely had to be a part of this was our ray of sunshine - Prerona Sanyal.

Prerona is one of those beautiful people, who bring a smile to our face each time we see the little *ting* on their chat! Be it the way she picks the loveliest of pieces, the way she always has the kindest feedback for us, or the wonderful way in which she introduces the loveliest of people to our little shop.

Here's our little chat-

Tell us something about yourself, Prerona! What keeps you busy during the week?

Prerona in Layers of Petals

Prerona Sanyal, in Layers of Petals (see necklace here)


By profession, I am a theatre artist and a community manager, currently looking at internal employee engagement and remote working. I spend my time working with people and trying my very best to make life better for them.

You really pick the loveliest pieces and you style them so beautifully! What significance does dressing up hold in your life?

Prerona in Triple Layered Haar, Chandni Choker & Haathphool

Prerona Sanyal, in Triple Layered Haar, Chandni Choker & Madhubala Haathphool 

It really does. It holds a lot of significance in my life and that in itself has a lot to do with my mental health. My history of mental health has not been easy. I have had severe eating disorders, moderate to severe Bipolar, and generally the effort of dressing up makes it difficult. Janpath Online has made it easier to just pop into something and grab a piece!

It makes us so happy to hear that! And now for the last bit - how did you discover our store? And what made you always be such a loving part of our journey?

I think JanpathOnline has been one of the few businesses that I discovered purely through Instagram! What I really liked was that I could see that you both weren't really buying things for cheap and selling it at a premium. You were genuinely curating beautiful things, from artisans and from local bazaars. To me, that really mattered. It's about the sincerity that was being brought to the page, for your customers.

One lasting memory that we will always have of Prerona is the amazing way she once helped us put together one of our first pop-up stores in her office in Gurgaon. Not only did she help us put it together, we were so very touched by the way she would bring along a friend or two, every couple of hours, talk about our beauties and made sure that we not only had a good day of business, but we left with a lot more people knowing about our little store!


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